Stephen Baker is the local talent behind our stunning, summery 2018 Australian Christmas Gin label.
Working from his bright, quiet studio space in Collingwood, Stephen’s distinctive minimalist style embraces the simplicity of the shapes that make up the scenes of our lives; odern, iconic, curiously emotive and popping with delightful colour.
Starting his working life in graphic design, Stephen soon felt the need to distance himself from the desk.
I’m very fortunate to be a full-time artist. Art has always been a passion of mine since I was young, so I ventured into painting some 10 years ago and managed to create a career from it.
Utilising a mixed skill base from his days as a Senior Designer, he focuses predominately on using acrylics for their bold flat colour attributes but also use other mediums where necessary.
And when it came to capturing the perfect Australian Christmas summer scene for our 2018 label, it seemed to come quite smoothly to create the piece that graces our 2018 Australian Christmas Gin, dubbed ‘Basking in the Sun’.
I felt it all came together quite naturally for me as I tend to draw from moments one has when they’re relaxed and deep in thought.
I just remember a number of Christmas Days being hot and bright with colour, family in the backyard running through the sprinkler, or jumping in the above ground pool we had.
We only had a small suburban backyard but there was enough room for my sister and I to lay out beach towels on the lawn and throw on the radio. I remember listening to Eon FM back then before it became Triple M! Lots of 80’s hits and good times!
And, a self-professed gin lover, when he’s not enjoying Australian Christmas Gin this summer, Stephen’s order of choice is a Negroni served with a big cube of clear ice. Respect.
Check out Stephen’s website here, and some of his available pieces via his stockroom site here. You might even see some of his work gracing the sides of Melbourne’s trams over the next few months…